Paynes Lane Improvements – connecting and enhancing


Eke Panuku published a High-Level Project Plan for Onehunga that sets out the vision for the area

This is to create a flourishing Onehunga that is very much associated with its past, its networks and the climate, including the Manukau Harbor.

We’re focused on embracing Onehunga’s personality, reviving this area, and making it a favored destination to live, work, play, visit and carry on with work.

Dress Smart, a destination discount outlet shopping mall, is a key piece of Onehunga’s town center – attracting shoppers from around Auckland.

We are working to make it simpler and more secure for individuals to stroll from Dress Smart and interface with other pieces of the town center, especially:

  • Onehunga Mall (via Paynes Lane).
  • The proposed new Waiapu Precinct (on the contrary side of Onehunga Mall).
  • Other nearby key locations, such as the library and supermarket.

By doing this, we will assist with sewing together the various pieces of the town center, and make it more alluring for individuals, as well as business and private designers hoping to put resources into the area.

Paynes Lane and vicinity

We are working intimately with the Dress Smart owners, Lend lease Funds Management Limited, to coordinate their plans with our own improvement recommendations for the Paynes Lane vicinity and rest of the town center.

In 2022, we sold two council-owned car parks (3 Paynes Lane and 45 Waller Street) to Lend lease to empower them to grow and upgrade Dress Smart.

Key states of the deal require Lend lease to further develop car leaving (counting vehicle flow), their street facing and the association with Onehunga Mall.

Dress Smart – planned improvements

Dress Smart will stretch out their existing shopping mall to include:

  • A more extensive determination of nearby and global retailers north of three stories.

  • A significant new food and refreshment region.

  • A new, really inviting visitor entrance.

  • Improved and expanded car leaving offices.

Moreover, Lend lease plans to improve the feel of the original shopping mall.

What other improvements are planned?

We are planning a few improvements to the public space in this vicinity, including:

  • A street move up to Paynes Lane to make this region more alluring and passerby well disposed and create spaces for individuals to meet and mingle.

  • Further developed pathways on Paynes Lane, Bawls Rise and Waller Street, making these more noticeable and more secure, to further develop client stream, availability, and association with other pieces of the town center.

  • New street furniture and lighting to work on the security and convenience of the street.

  • Realignment of the passerby crossing on Onehunga Mall, so it is all the more strategically placed neighboring Paynes Lane.


Dress Smart has asset assent for their extension plans. Construction, including upgrades to the original shopping mall, is likely to start in 2024.

Designs for the improvements to the public spaces are being created and there will be an opportunity to provide feedback in early 2024. Construction is likely to start in 2025.






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